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Everything posted by Jerryn206

  1. there are already a few threads about this. yellow server is offline. use this link to check the status. https://project-sato.net/statuschecker/
  2. You will always be given notice in-game for planned server reboots or maintenance. If the server goes offline abruptly, you're safe to assume that it was a server crash. Unfortunately, though, we can't control or give warning for those. Thanks for the clarification, appreciate it! :y:
  3. Was in the middle of a quest battle and got kicked due to server going offline. A little notice would be great unless it was unintentional. Yellow server is offline. Red and Blue are still online.
  4. Hey everyone, just discovered this game yesterday from browsing twitch tv games and decided to give it a try. I'm now addicted. haha too much fun. I don't care much about the whole iv thing that everyone obsesses about, just enjoying reliving my childhood when I played red/blue/yellow. Haven't played any other of the handheld games due to the addition of soooo many other pokemon. I like that the majority of the ones I've come across so far are gen 1 with other gens slightly mixed in. Is this how it is throughout the game? I prefer gen 1 so this is great for me. I just beat Brock and noticed the loading map screens got extremely long and sometimes don't even load at all. Does this happen a lot? The current one has been stuck for 20 minutes. I've closed the game and logged back in 3 times just to still be stuck on the loading map screen. Anyways, loving the game besides the loading screen deal. I told a friend about it and he just downloaded the game as well. Looking forward to playing more and seeing everything this game has in store.
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