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  1. Edit: Can't post link due to im a new user. Thanks :thanks:
  2. Hi, Im selling this charmander 10 lv-nature adamant(im a new user so im writting down the stats) Taking offers. ATK-18/23 DEF-14/07 SPE-18/09 SPATK-18/26 SPDEF-17/17 HP-08 Ty in advance. :thanks:
  3. Hey guys. I was wondering how much can a jolly growlithe can go for.(Cant post a link cuz im a new user so im writting down here the stats): ATK-52/01 DEF-41/08 SPE-52/07 SPATK-47/01 SPDEF-48/27 HP 17 Sorry for the long post, thanks in advance :) :thanks:
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