Smartest: Genometrics
Friendliest: Genometrics
Funniest: Genometrics
Coolest: Genometrics
Comeback Player of the Year: Can't answer, not sure sorry.
Most Talkative: Crilli
Most Trustworthy: Genometrics
Most Helpful: Genometrics
Most Missed: Idk how to answer this, sorry.
Most Influential: Genometrics
Most Intriguing: Teerav
Best GM: Noisia
Best CC: Calahan
Best MOD: Letrix
Best CS: Naero
Best Artist: AshWestbrook
Best Mapper: Tiggus
Most Professional Staff: Calahan
Most Friendly Staff: Calahan
Most Dedicated Staff: Calahan
Most Honorable Former Staff: Can't answer, I'm not sure, sorry