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Posts posted by Majinomie

  1. 252170 ive caught a bunch of scythers in safari 1..


    Can you confirm when you found one in safari area 1? I just checked my pokedex in game and it says scyther is a safari exclusive only with the purple membership text color. The poke spawn map thing also doesn't show scyther in safari area 1.

  2. 252019

    Members and nonmembers can find them in Safari 1.


    This statement seems wrong. According to Pokedex the only map Scyther can be found is Safari Exclusives (Member only area).

    I'd say that if your looking for scyther in Safari 1, your wasting 5k and 20 minutes of your time.


    It could be that they changed this OR its a bug (I have heard safari sometimes experiences hiccups in terms of pokémon spawns). Seems this changed over the last week then, as some days ago i was finding scythers regurarly.


    Oh, now I'm a little confused lol. So are you saying you found scythers in safari area 1 recently after this change or before it?

  3. Hello,


    So Scizor is my favorite Pokemon and I'm really hoping to catch a scyther so I can evolve it. I see that is only in Safari Area 1 and was wondering how hard is it to encounter a scyther in the grass? Is it roughly the same as encountering a starter (not clone version) during the event? Because it took me around 1-2 hours just to find a regular starter. I hear the Kanto Safari also takes 5k per 20 minutes so I really don't want to waste a lot of money if it really takes hours to find one.


    Also, is scyther an exclusive for members only or can non-members find one too?



  4. So I lost to one of the triplets which was in the trainers school cause he had a treecko and knocked out my mudkip. I blacked out and when I went to go to talk to him again he says that he won't listen to me and wont go back to his Mom because I was too weak to beat him.


    Is there a cooldown or something on this?

  5. I actually found a better video example of the frame skip. Watch this person's stream in 720P 60 FPS from 16:25 and onwards as he is moving down the bridge and you can see the game skipping and being really jumpy every time he takes a few steps. This is the exact same problem I'm having. And this person is also on an AMD FX-8120 CPU.


    VIdeo: [bbvideo=1280,720]

  6. 239430
    239426 I don't think it's a failing hardware problem. I've ran temperature checks and everything seems to be working fine.


    I think it's something to do with the game and AMD CPU's because every other person I've seen who has an AMD based CPU also has this problem.

    My Partner has a AMD CPU and doesnt have this issue. have you tried using the x32/x86 version of pro as i would be assuming your using the x64


    I tried the x86 version too but no help unfortunately.

    239452 Been lurking this thread because I am having a similar issue on a PC that is one month old that is in really good shape. Just want to say OP is not the only one unfortunately ;-;


    Are you also on an AMD CPU?


    I've narrowed it down to the observation that only I see it occurring in people who have AMD CPU's in their PC. I've watched videos online as well and only notice it in AMD CPU's whereas Intel CPU's have none of this frame skipping.


    Not true. I've been running PRO in past with AMD FX-8350 and had no such issues. Regardless of CPU bottlenecking the GPU I was still getting 1100 FPS. In your case that CPU should not bottleneck your GPU. In any case, you might want to try with "unparking" the cores that are parked in windows 10. More here: https://www.coderbag.com/programming-c/disable-cpu-core-parking-utility


    Also, This is a screenshot of a setting used:




    Hmm, interesting. I've also checked my FPS and mine gets near the 900's-1000's too without Vsync. When I experience the frame skip however, there is no drop in my FPS.


    I'm not sure if you know what problem I'm having exactly cause it's kind of hard to explain. It's like a split second jump at random times when I'm moving and the map is scrolling.


    Here is a video of what I'm talking about:



    Start watching at the 18:45 mark in 1080p 60 FPS and a few seconds later after that slight fade out transition, you can notice the frame skip as his character is walking towards the small steps to Celadon city. If you keep watching the video you can see more of the frame skips as he is walking through the city. It's kind of hard to see at first until you notice it. This person is also on an AMD FX-9590 and GTX 980.


    If you catch what I'm talking about in the video, do you ever experience that problem?

  7. 239416





    it could be one of the part in your computer may be dying, a staff member suggested running a hardware diagnostics.


    I don't think it's a failing hardware problem. I've ran temperature checks and everything seems to be working fine.


    I think it's something to do with the game and AMD CPU's because every other person I've seen who has an AMD based CPU also has this problem.

  8. 239386
    239373 Hello,


    I recently made a post about the game doing this sort of micro stutter/frame skip everytime I move my character around the map. It gets progressively worse in highly populated areas and even in unpopulated maps, you can still see the frame skip when you move around. It gets very annoying, especially when your on a bike/mount, to the point where it almost makes the game unplayable for me.


    I've narrowed it down to the observation that only I see it occurring in people who have AMD CPU's in their PC. I've watched videos online as well and only notice it in AMD CPU's whereas Intel CPU's have none of this frame skipping.


    I believe my system is well above the requirements so I'm not sure why I'm getting this annoying frame skip.


    System specs:


    CPU: AMD FX-6300

    GPU: Radeon HD 7870

    RAM: 8 GB

    OS: Windows 10 64-Bit


    Things I have tried that haven't fixed the problem:


    -Forcing the game to run in DX9.

    -Installing the latest graphics drivers.

    -Turning on/off Vsync, limit FPS, weather, and lighting details.

    -Lowering resolution.


    I was wondering if there is anything that can be done to fix this issue?


    Thank you.

    are you running anything in the background? e.g other programs in which uses alot of your PC's cpu? also how old is the computer in which you are using?


    Nope, nothing else is running in the background. This computer is probably around 3 years old.

  9. Hello,


    I recently made a post about the game doing this sort of micro stutter/frame skip everytime I move my character around the map. It gets progressively worse in highly populated areas and even in unpopulated maps, you can still see the frame skip when you move around. It gets very annoying, especially when your on a bike/mount, to the point where it almost makes the game unplayable for me.


    I've narrowed it down to the observation that only I see it occurring in people who have AMD CPU's in their PC. I've watched videos online as well and only notice it in AMD CPU's whereas Intel CPU's have none of this frame skipping.


    I believe my system is well above the requirements so I'm not sure why I'm getting this annoying frame skip.


    System specs:


    CPU: AMD FX-6300

    GPU: Radeon HD 7870

    RAM: 8 GB

    OS: Windows 10 64-Bit


    Things I have tried that haven't fixed the problem:


    -Forcing the game to run in DX9.

    -Installing the latest graphics drivers.

    -Turning on/off Vsync, limit FPS, weather, and lighting details.

    -Lowering resolution.


    I was wondering if there is anything that can be done to fix this issue?


    Thank you.


    EDIT: I found a video example of the frame skip. Watch this person's stream in 720P 60 FPS from 16:25 and onwards as he is moving down the bridge and you can see the game skipping and being really jumpy every time he takes a few steps. This is the exact same problem I'm having. And this person is also on an AMD FX-8120 CPU.


    VIdeo: [bbvideo=1280,720]

  10. 232783
    232746 Ah ok thanks, I'll give it a try. Is there like a noticeable difference in graphics if I force it to downgrade and run in DX9?

    From my understanding of it, there's an issue with the Windows 10 drivers and DirectX 12 etc functioning poorly, causing client crashes, potential lag, and so forth. I haven't heard any reports of major graphical differences when running the game in DirectX 9, though.


    I tried forcing it in DX9 but it didn't seem to help. I still experience the micro stutters frequently. I don't really know how to explain it but when I'm moving around the map, the game seems to sort of freeze for a split second, it's very quick, similar to like a lag spike maybe?

  11. 232653


    Curious, are you already forcing DX9?


    Also have you tried closing any problems that you aren't using?


    I don't have any other programs running. I'm not sure about the DX9. Is there a way to check? I know I have like the latest DX which is like DX11 or something but I don't know which DX the game is using.

    DirectX has caused some issues in the past before - generally, PRO seems to load/perform better when forced to run in DirectX 9. Here's a guide on forcing the game to run in DirectX 9, try it and see if that helps with the issue.


    Ah ok thanks, I'll give it a try. Is there like a noticeable difference in graphics if I force it to downgrade and run in DX9?

  12. 232287
    Does anyone experience these sort of micro stutters when you move your character? I find it noticeable whenever the map scrolls up/down/left/right, so basically whenever my character moves a short distance. It's really annoying when moving.


    It's a lot more noticeable in towns, but I can still notice it in regular maps too. My FPS, however, remains a solid 60 with vsync on and without vsync it's in the <a href="tel:800-1000">800-1000</a>'s.


    System Specs:


    CPU: AMD FX-6300

    GPU: Radeon HD 7870

    RAM: 8GB

    OS: Windows 10 64-bit


    Curious, are you already forcing DX9?


    Also have you tried closing any problems that you aren't using?


    I don't have any other programs running. I'm not sure about the DX9. Is there a way to check? I know I have like the latest DX which is like DX11 or something but I don't know which DX the game is using.

  13. Does anyone experience these sort of micro stutters when you move your character? I find it noticeable whenever the map scrolls up/down/left/right, so basically whenever my character moves a short distance. It's really annoying when moving.


    It's a lot more noticeable in towns, but I can still notice it in regular maps too. My FPS, however, remains a solid 60 with vsync on and without vsync it's in the 800-1000's.


    System Specs:


    CPU: AMD FX-6300

    GPU: Radeon HD 7870

    RAM: 8GB

    OS: Windows 10 64-bit

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