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  1. Golurk

    Team Wailord

    it must suck not having a join date that says august
  2. This is a really lame excuse, and I seriously am tired of it. Being an MMO doesn't mean everything has to be extremely rare that you never even see it in your lifetime. If you want to press W and S and press "Run" for 10 hours a day to see 2 Dratinis (or anything as rare) a day, suit yourself, but in my opinion, this will only discourage people from playing and encourage people that want to play to find methods to bypass the grind (ie, scamming, botting, RMTing, etc), which, by the way, are all very common things in MMOs with lengthy grinds. Extremely rare that you never see in your lifetime lmao ? IF you actually spend some time to actually HUNT for the pokemon instead of posting a topic crying about it maybe you will get to see it once. And no this encourage people to actually put time into the game to HUNT for the pokemon that they love. And no because it's an MMO is not an excuse it's a fact and that's how MMO should be. What's the point of everyone having a perfect dratinis in the first month of the game ? What's the point of actually hunting for rare pokemon anymore ? Yeah because finding 1 rare Pokemon after 10+ hours of running back and forth only for it to be shit is REALLY ENCOURAGING. I sure do love being rewarded for my GROSS amount of time spent looking for ONE POKEMON that is REALLY BAD.
  3. If the Dragonite doesn't have Multiscale it is worthless. And 31 atk 31 speed is not perfect by any means. If I were to take the randomness of IV generation and the lack of breeding to ensure IVs into account, I would say a perfect Dragonite would be 31atk, 31 speed, 20-31 in every other stat, with an Adamant/Jolly nature AND Multiscale. This is ALMOST the bare minimum of usable Dratini. The odds of ever finding a Dratini like this is worse than finding a shiny if you consider the fact that, with a 100% encounter rate, 4 of them would be found in 24 hours between 33 people, and this math was done WITHOUT taking the 1/100 hidden ability chance into consideration, which makes it MUCH WORSE. So please don't act as if one person winning the lottery means that we'll all start winning the lottery eventually and the spawn rates are okay, because they aren't. Otherwise I would be rolling in money IRL and I wouldn't be complaining about spawn rates on a Pokemon forum.
  4. My main issue with the way the spawn rates are handled is that it's basically a lottery to get the Pokemon you're looking for. You have 2 options: 1. Grind until you win the lottery 2. Buy Pokemon from somebody luckier than you like what is this, monopoly? There should be a reasonable chance of encountering a rare Pokemon. I think even 1 every hour would be fair, but as it is you can spend 9 hours looking and not even find what you're looking for unless you get really lucky, and even then it might be shit. Sure you can Synchronize the nature onto it, 50% chance and all, but if it needs a hidden ability to even be decent then the whole game changes and you need a 1/100 roll on a Pokemon with like, 1/1000 encounter rate. Why even look for Pokemon with rates like this? You take out breeding, which is nice because it promotes going out to find Pokemon instead of running next to the daycare, but then you make the encounter rates abysmal, which promotes not actually going out and finding Pokemon when you can just sit on your ass and grind money until somebody steps into some grass by accident and find a Jolly 31 IV Moxie Heracross.
  5. Golurk

    Team Wailord

    Friendly reminder to look for Wild Wailmers in Cherrygrove City by surfing, or if you want a higher level one that'll evolve into a Wailord quickly, Treasure Beach on Island One has encounters by surfing as well. You can then take it straight to Mt Ember and train it in the Slugma room for a quick few levels. Get your Wailords nerds. Do not push aside the Wailmer you find because it is "bad", for you and that Wailmer are tied by destiny.
  6. I feel like the encounter rates on some of the Pokemon in this game is a bit unreasonable. I can understand some Pokemon from inaccessible regions having a low encounter rate for the sake of early access, but other things could afford to be bumped up a little bit. For example, my friend reached the goal for Love Island earlier today, and as of now he has spent 2 hours searching for something that isn't the most extremely common Pokemon, still empty handed. When it takes these extremely long play sessions to find something you want to run on a team, only to find one of them in a span of 6 hours and for it to end up being sub 10 IVs across the board and a trash nature, it really discourages players from trying breaking into a competitive scene, because the only people who can get competitive Pokemon like Heracross are people blessed by RNJesus. (I personally spent 3 days of play sessions looking for a Heracross only to come up empty handed.) I'm wondering if you have any reason for these abysmally low encounter rates aside for the flavor of them being "rare", because you can still make things rare without making it into a lottery.
  7. Golurk

    Team Wailord

    updated, and will continue updating with members as I invite them to our shiny new in-game guild.
  8. Golurk

    Team Wailord

    fuck off you're a man im not letting you do this stupid shit again
  9. Golurk

    Team Wailord

    gunt i didnt know who you were until this morning so i lost my shit every single time you chimed in on All chat i thought you were just this random guy who saw opportunities and took them. #endracism
  10. Golurk

    Team Wailord

    Thanks for grabbing the name ahead of time. I'm currently being bent over by Surge after getting jewed out of the Jynx trade. I traded my lvl37 Poliwhirl and expected a lvl37 Jynx, but I got a lvl30 one. Now I have no trainers to get exp from and a really bad Jynx, and I'm hoping the downtime rolls me back to when I had my Poliwhirl.
  11. Golurk

    Team Wailord

    This is Team Wailord. We're mostly a competitive, invite-only team. Members: Golurk Skele Skazord Macho Tidehunter DopestDope Smash Tfisreallycool Kelarr Mawlay Orihara Trope44 Shero thanks for all the well wishes and such
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