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About Jungiesoo

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  1. Rip belker.
  2. I have a print, but is a print of Skype chat, Me and him talking about It. (In portuguese cause we're from Brazil) Look at the day, month and year. (Use Translator portuguese to english)
  3. I don't have any print, like i said before, we're friends, so i trust him. But i never figured that he'll be banned. .-.
  4. The person who has been banned can confirm that I am speaking the truth. His word counts as proof, right?
  5. Last Sunday my friend was banned, however, I had paid him to do ev / lv service for my poliwag and my swablu and also lent him the salamance for him to defeat a boss, so I wonder if there is any chance of you returning my Pokemon, just check his account and see that the three pokemon quoted has my OT. Thanks in advance. (Sorry for my bad english)
  6. Toxic boost is working?
  7. Same thing here, but i just waited and the update has completed...
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