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Posts posted by Candyflip

  1. Admin is dodging and closing topics after he clearly stated that pro is going to die within a year. (until 2.0)




    Honestly, dodging all the questions from uncertain players just confirm these plans for me. As an admin, you cannot state something like this and then avoid all discussions or deny it. This just makes you untrustworthy.


    Admin, if you want a lot of players not to leave, please make a clear statement of your plans for the upcoming years. I know you doing this stuff in your freetime and I appreciate this, but I would also like where my money is going for the longterm. I read almost all your posts about this topic and understand that you want to start from scratch if PRO code is not useful anymore (I'm software dev by myself). Still it would be great if you could transfer parts of your savegame. We just wanna know whats up after you've stated this.

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