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Everything posted by Victormaru

  1. So if this game doesn't have a Breeding feature then does that mean that Breeding-exclusive Moves don't exist such as Charmander's "Belly Drum"? I would hope Breeding Moves are obtainable through Move Tutors, TMs and such.
  2. Oh, I see. If it's to raise the difficulty then that makes sense. Thanks for the info, guys.
  3. I've just started the game and so far I think this MMO has emulated the original games very well for the most part. However, there are a few things I've noticed that this game is missing / needs changing right off the bat. 1. The game doesn't give you an option to switch out your Pokémon once you have KO'd your opponent's Pokémon. I don't understand why this mechanic wasn't implemented in the first place. This was always an option in all the handheld games which made it easier to deal with the incoming Pokémon, as well as help with sharing EXP with your weaker Pokémon if you chose to do so. With this option being absent, you're pretty much forced to take a hit and possibly get instantly KO'd if the incoming Pokémon was stronger, the opposing type, and / or had more Speed. And if you manually switched out, the opponent automatically gets a free attack. This is also a big deal in competitive matches against real players, in which this is a very important option to consider. Without the option to switch in-between KO's, it changes the entire metagame. 2. Depositing your Pokémon into the PC doesn't heal them at all. Once you've captured a Pokémon in the wild, they're usually very weak and / or are inflicted with a status ailment. If your party is full, the captured Pokémon would get sent to your PC, in which they'd normally be fully healed in the original games. This isn't in the case in PRO which I think is kind of weird, but it's not a big deal anyway since you're already in the Pokémon Center. Still, I think all Pokémon in your PC should be fully healed. It's just a minor inconvenience that you'd have to withdraw your Pokémon and heal them manually after you've captured them in the wild. These are basic features that all the original games had and I don't know why they aren't already in PRO. Unless you guys are already trying to work them in. I would hope to see these implemented in the future so that PRO could truly feel like the original games we grew to love.
  4. Thanks. Also, I've just found all the info I needed which were right in the in-game Pokédex the entire time, lol.
  5. I've just started the game. I noticed that every Pokémon from all Generations is included, judging by the Pokédex. So I just want to know if there are any lists out there for learned moves. That way I could prepare my Pokémon for the move(s) while training. Or does anyone know if Revolution follows the Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire move lists? If any at all? Unless it's completely different from all the games and we just have to figure it out ourselves.
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