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About Plur

  • Birthday 07/21/1993

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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Will not sell to PreHax. Goomy and froakie are still available
  2. try now
  3. I'm selling a bunch of really cheap pokemon. prices are non-negotiable. Everything you need to know is on the picture. The region it's from etc. All sales will be in the vermilion pokemon center and I will not pay you for your travels. First person to post they will buy the pokemon ON THIS forum gets the pokemon. I don't care if someone offers higher; the first person to post gets it. I won't be online until I see people offering things on this forum. Will probably check it every hour or so. Yamask 20k EV trained Eevee 40k - Sold Wobbiemosia Shellos HP EV trained 30k Timid Spoint 20k Jolly swablu 20k Timid Pikachu level 100 - 100k Ada solid rock Aron 30k Level 100 Shedinja 100k Godlike Victreebell PVP worth 200k Decent Goomy 40k Garbage skrelp 10k Decent Sneasel 75k Epic Duskull 50k - Sold Setzuen Godlike happniy with wrong ability (Armoatherapy works !) 100k Epic Gible 100k - Sold Setzuen Epic Timid Bayleef 20k Epic Sturdy Onix 50k Epic Lileep 50k Decent Clefable 100k Solar Power Charizard 100k Hidden Power Fire Magnemite 30k Level 100 Absol 100k Epic Houndour 30k Good Whiscash 10k Good Duskull 20k Decent H.a. Defensive bagon 30k - Sold Setzuen Good Duskull 20k Good Gengar 100k Empoleon 10k Froakie 50k Epic Gyarados 100k - Sold Wobbiemosia Decent Onix for Gyro Ball 20k Epic Floatzel 100k - Sold Setzuen That is all of them. I have the right to refuse sales to anyone. With people on the same server there are many people I have grown to incredibly dislike and it would please me a lot to refuse selling to said people. I will quote a persons' post that I won't be selling to. Have fun and post away :Angel: :thanks:
  4. Plur

    Gym Dummy

    Damage calculators are really good for this. I use one every battle I play in PvP. Try it out for yourself: https://pokemonshowdown.com/damagecalc/ It looks obnoxious to use, but there is also the factor of this being a beta version game in development and there are many bugs. I find myself asking: is my mystic water damage being applied? Is my sunny day damage being applied? Is my weather ball being counted as fire right now? Countless questions that toying with this hypothetical dummy can answer that this damage calculator wont' for the reason of this beta development game.
  5. 1* Your in-game nickname, how old you are & where you come from? MY game name is PLUR (Peace, Love Unity, and Respect) I am 18 and I reside in California but I am from Connecticut ^.^ 2* How many in-game hours? 568 and counting ;] 3* Regions Completed? All 4* What is your goal in-game? (farming, hunting, PvP) Everything in all honesty. At the moment I have 521 owned pokemon and 256 evolved in my pokedex. Gotta catch 'em all, amirite? After I complete this to my fullest ability I will farm pokemon and then when I feel confident with a team I will bring it to PVP ^.^ 5* Why do you think Vesteria is a good fit for you? I think a discord channel would make this game a lot more enjoyable to an exponential degree ^.^ 6* Whats the one pokemon you want to have on your team & why? I can answer this several ways lol. I'd love a shiny, jolly, epic Greninja ;D but something desirable and plausible would be a h.a. Swanna with ground hidden power =] Why? It would be super good in a rain dance team and it is a genuine idea to me that I actually didn't research for on smogon so I would feel accomplished if it works well ^.^ 7* What ability/skill can you bring to the Vesteria? I have good memory, and although my pokemon experience had a very long absence from gen3 to now, I remember many things and am a curious person so I always research and am around a lot to pass on the information I learn. And especially if there are people in discord I would love to answer their questions, but in game I do not reside in the help chat long, as it is most beneficial to me to be in trade chat at all times.
  6. Plur

    Gym Dummy

    I want to suggest with the different gyms in the game (like saffron) or gym - like atmospheres that you make a dummy that you can interact with. This dummy you can change it's type and defences so you can test your damage output on it. It also would show you the difference let's say mystic water has on you. You can't see a stat change from the item but it would be really cool if you could go to the gym and see the difference in your damage. :Angel:
  7. Thanks for the infor ^.^
  8. I think there's a super simple solution to this all. I think no one would need to trade their mew if there were to assurances: that you WILL synch it. Furthermore, that EVERY one of them have the same stats. For example, everyone's legendary has all 20 stats. It won't matter if they are untradable and you won't need to re-catch another. :Angel:
  9. Do critical hits bypass your opponents stat changes? Server is down and I've been wondering this a while so I thought I would address it now. I'll be in a boss battle and will calm mind 6 times. at that point the boss's pokemon will do hypothetically 1/16th of my hp. Then when they crit hit me with the same attack that was just doing 1/16th of my hp they oko me with 3/4 health left. I'm not sure if this is a glitch or if this is how every pokemon game is. Just thought I would point out an observation of mine. Hope to get some feedback ^.^
  10. Bump =]
  11. auto-win for 6m
  12. Plur

    Rude people

    Thank you all for your feeback. At least I feel understood and it isn't only me who feels this way
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