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Everything posted by Dsoundz

  1. Alright I'll def check it out Thanks! :Cool:
  2. Wow thanks everyone for the welcoming messages! :thanks:
  3. 1- I have about 4 hours in as of right now. 2- I'm a student in a graduate level school, so during test week I will be not on for awhile. 3- I have never used Discord before because I do not own a headset. I do have headphones that have mics for phone use...will that work? 4- I will try to be on as much as I can, but it'll be around 3-5 times a week. 5- I just want people to play with/ chat/ have fun. Nothing too "hardcore". 6- I'm a PvE kind of guy in most MMORPGs, but with Pokemon PvP is something I am a bit interested in.
  4. Hello Playing in blue server, I'm dsoundz. Just started the game and every game is more fun with people, so here I am. Time zone is CST and i play usually at night. Well I guess that's all!
  5. A completely fresh trainer, Dsoundz, reporting in. I'm pretty blown away by this game. It is truly a 5/7 or in real word standard 10/10 Pokemon mmo. well I hope to meet many cool people to play with in the game- blue server! Favorite Pokemons : Gengar and Alakazam Time zone : CST. mostly playing at night Looking for guild / people to play with so hit me up in game. Oh I also like that this game is a bit challenging! I got whooped by The kid in Brock's gym.
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