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  1. budget 1.5m nature: careful ability: thick fat ivs should be atk 20+ def 20+ speed doesnt matter spatk doesnt matter spdef 25+ hp 25+
  2. sry wasnt here. now im online
  3. did i miscalculated the time change? if its the case excuse me...
  4. wts Halloween Absol (hidden power ice) s.o: 1M min. raise: 200k payments: pokedollar, cc=420k, rr 700k -no insta -the auction will last 48 hours after first bid Started at: 00:16 30.10.2021 GMT+2 extended to 01:16 01.11.2021 GMT+1 (time change) https://countingdownto.com/?c=3902335 sold for: 5m by Seoulmate Discord: Missingeye#4764
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