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  1. Blissey + Magnezone + Ferrothron for 1M7 ?
  2. I'll take both ninetails and gyarados for 750k ! Add me "Gwoo" :)
  3. Little update of the project (starting to clean the shape of groudon and apply a colour sheme and a style for the shading of the characters) : Still a lot of work to do ^^
  4. Thanks everyone ! :) I'm updated the gallery with the pictures I've shown in the artists recruitment section of the forum. I'll try to update the gallery with the progress of my personnal avatar for this forum today ^^
  5. Ah une française ahah ! :D merci ! (par contre ça dérange pas de pas parler anglais sur le forum ? enfin ça me semble logique que si mais je sais pas trop ^^).
  6. Hey everyone !!! So I was just chilling on the forum when I found something interesting that gave me ideas for my personnal avatar (you will see these interesting thins on the screenshot, I'm using them as references) ^^ (before starting the gallery, here is the link to my portfolio (not updated and in french but who care, at least you can see some of my works) : https://indd.adobe.com/view/d2c37ae6-47b7-4527-ad3e-4e720440bbdb) Now let's start this gallery with this work in progress that I will update :) I take every opinion in consideration, since this work is still in progress, but be aware that this work is just a quick thing I do just because it's fun to do ^^. If you'll like my work maybe I'll share more ahah.
  7. Thanks :)
  8. Hello there ! So I'm GWOO, 19 yo, and I have been playing to the game for some days now and I recently finish the "story" (all regions I mean) after like 45 hours. So the game was really cool, now i'm going to catch them all ahah ! I decided to come on the forum to be able to share and to discuss with other players, and i'm sure it will be cool to do that :D
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