1. I'll start the auction if I meet a good offer. :Grin:
2. Fake B.O = report
3. Accept only poke$
4. Star B.o 200k or insta 2m :Heart-eyes:
B.o win 1m5 by Melix
1. I'll start the auction if I meet a good offer. :Grin:
2. Fake B.O = report
3. Accept only poke$
4. Star B.o 200k :Heart-eyes:
B.o 1m5 by jamirakway
b.o start 24h, it will end 9.45pm gmt+7 :Heart-eyes:
Shiny Girafarig
I'm looking for a "bo" (best offer) for my pokemon, it will be a while (not decided how much) but I would like you to go bidding for my pokemon :Heart: