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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. 3.2m drago 2.7m blissey
  2. Re: WTS epic PVP <r>starting dragonite and 2m blissey <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  3. Re: Sell epic BOLD NC Roselia! <r>thanks for telling, edited. <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  4. Over :Cool:
  5. Re: EPIC Impish Scizor <t>2.6m if you still accept</t>
  6. Hey guys, im looking for: Ferro 26+atk/def/spdef/hp -> Relaxed Scyther/Scizor 26+ atk/def/spd/spdef/hp -> Adament / Impish Dratini 26+ atk/spd/hp/spatk -> Naive/Rash/Adament Have 6m atm and I'm willing to spend all on one poke if it's really epic and if its godlike I can surely get some more money to afford it. :Angel:
  7. Re: WTS super epic hippopotas Auction starts , B.o 4m By Riixe 48 hours left <r>hey man you said as soon as somebody offers 4m you will start 48h auction.<br/> I set my offer like 20h ago which should have started the 48h auction, im not willing to wait another 48h therefore i withdraw my offer.<br/> Good luck selling your poke bro <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  8. Re: WTS super epic hippopotas(would start 48h auction when anyone offers 4m) <t>then i offer 4m now</t>
  9. Re: WTS super epic hippopotas. <r>3m from me <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  10. Re: wts 31/31/30 adamant charizard <t>350k :)</t>
  11. Sold to Irafayel ty
  12. Due to unexpected circumstances, I won't be at home at the time the auction ends. Therefore I won't accept any bids after 7:30pm (CET), every bid posted before 7:30pm will be considered as soon as I reach back home. Transaction can still take place later today, probably around 10:30pm (CET), so no worries :)
  13. 5h 30min left :Shy:
  14. B.O is 11m by Irafayel
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