Hi there. Here's a quick clarification on how the Pikachu Surf Tutor works:
1. You must have chosen Pikachu as your starter.
2. You can only teach Surf to a Pikachu with your OT (Original Trainer) ID.
In the case you've described above, where a non-Pikachu starter trainer trades a Pikachu with their OT over to a Pikachu starter trainer, the Pikachu starter trainer will not be able to teach Surf to the Pikachu, since it won't have their OT.
Unfortunately, since you did not start with Pikachu, there's no way to get Surf on an OT Pikachu you've caught. So instead, I'd recommend trying to search specifically for someone who's selling a Pikachu that already knows Surf. If you're willing to spend the extra time, you can also create a new account (provided you have less than four, which is the max per user), start with Pikachu, teach it Surf, and trade it over to your original account.
I do want to make note of one of our game rules here:
"4. Trades outside PRO are prohibited and not to be discussed in PRO."
That means that we don't condone trading real money currency for in-game currency, Pokemon, items, services, etc. So please make sure not to offer Paypal payment for any service you may request in the future, as this is against our game policy. Thanks for your understanding. :)
Oh, I apologize. I just wanted to ask, specifically, the management team here if they can somehow put the HM on my Pikachu and I'd pay it forward for the service, but directly towards moderators here, not any of the third party stuff or with other players.