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Everything posted by Raltsmaniac

  1. After the update moltres bugged and no one can battle him at victorys road. Edit: Solved
  2. Hallo, Im here to ask if anyone from the staff team (since i dont know much people they are the only i trust) wants to exchange a paysafe card of 10€ for 10$ in paypal so that i could donate here to get a mount and membership for 1 month. 10€=11,1$. Thank you for the attention
  3. https://prntscr.com/85sv98 This is at Saffron in the building where Team Rocket is at floor 5
  4. I like that idea
  5. Yeh i would also definitely donate if paysafe card was here.
  6. Hello guys, I'm from Portugal and started playing this awesome game today, hope make good friends here and help the community grow up :) See ya in PRO :y:
  7. You can buy the membership for 1 month with paysafe card of 10€ they just take out the 5€ of the transaction and then you stay with a paysafe card with 5€
  8. From the main screen you go to settings->Antivirus->Scans And Risks and then you scroll down to Exclusions/Low risks. Then you go down to the thing that says «items to eclude...» and there is a blue link that says configure. And then you basically browse to the directory where your desired file is and place it. Done :P
  9. If it is what sdarkoix said i dont agree with you, it would make things too easy since we would know where everything was and we wouldnt explore.
  10. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <t>1. What is your nickname in PRO?RaltsManiac<br/> 2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why? Ralts, too much cuteness :3<br/> 3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO? Yes and my ambition in PRO is to have my dream team with good ivs evs nature etc and to meet new people.<br/> 4. What made you to join on this journey with us? Meet new people <br/> 5. What is your final objective in PRO? To be one of strongest players and to catch a shiny ralts :3<br/> 6. Can you visit Xat (even if it's for a hour)? Yes</t>
  11. Hallo Im here to make a suggestion about new payment methods. Some people like me dont have a chance to get a paypal account so they cant donate here to get some new items and to support the game, so wynaut add some new payment method like paysafe card? (its not just me i already saw only on chat 5 players telling do add new payment methods like paysafe card) Thank you and see ya in game :p
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