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  1. Ends in 48hrs from start each one Accept money only S.o: 1m Min bid: 100k No insta C.o: 1m Min bid: 100k No insta Ending in: 23h 30/08/2023 GMT +1 S.o : 700k Min bid: 50k No insta
  2. sold ingame ,ty.
  3. I said "but if i like the offer i can sell it".
  4. dont have time to end, it have an insta of 15M and im taking offers for now, but if i like the offer i can sell it.
  5. Start bid - 5M Insta - 15M
  6. sold to jannythegreat
  7. 1 hour left
  8. 24 HOURS left from the 1st bid
  9. bump*
  10. starting bid - 1M Insta - 3M
  11. 1M tyranitar modest
  12. 800k tyranitar modest
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