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Posts posted by Jahus

  1. Hello, I haven't been around for some time and some months ago, I've opened the client and noticed that I couldn't sort the 2 first Pokémon of my party. Thinking that it was a casual bug, I haven't reported it. Now that I installed the game again, I notice that the bug is still present.


    I'm playing in Silver Server, IGN: Jahus, location: Sinnoh


    I should be available today, if someone can help with the issue.

  2. Where are you from?: Kabylie, Algeria

    How old are you?: 29

    How much playtime do you have on PRO (including alternate accounts if any)?: 1226 h (1150 h + 76 h)

    Has the game improved since you first joined? If yes, how?: Yes, a lot. I've joined sometime during summer 2016, and I've seen Hoenn be released, and later Sinnoh, with all the improvements that have been made, like to boss battles, move tutors, daycare, IVs, sorting moves, etc.

    Is there a staff member or player who you feel is underrated?: Haven't played the game since Dec. 2016, so I don't know if the people I knew back then are still around.

    If you could change one thing about PRO, what would it be (no restrictions, be creative)?: More move animations and more regions!! (I know it's really hard to make one, so cheers to all the team, you're really amazing!).

  3. Re: Boss guide [Lite] [update 2017-04-04]


    <r><QUOTE author="danimocha"><s>

    </s>This post is completely outdated.<e>


    As you all know now, there is an <URL url="https://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Main_Page"><s></s>official Wiki for PRO<e></e></URL>, and creating guides like this one (that don't provide any "tutorial" material) on the forum became totally pointless.<br/>


    Additionally, real life called and I could not play the game for months, now (last update was on April 4th, 2017).<br/>


    Therefore, this guide will be closed and confidently, <URL url="https://prowiki.info/index.php?title=Main_Page"><s></s>the official Wiki<e></e></URL> is or will be complete enough to replace it and to replace leekhoasoooo's.<br/>


    It has been an honour to provide this to the community, for as long as it lasted, and hopefully, you understand me.</r>

  4. Re: Boss guide [Lite] [update 2017-04-04]


    <r>Guide finally updated.<br/>


    Thanks, NamelessHero27, and everyone else, for all your work.<br/>


    There are still some missing bosses and I hope to come back today or during the week in order to add them with all their data.<br/>


    As always, if you see any mistake, please report it.<br/>



  5. 322019 You can search other topics and see that gm's say that their is nothing that they can do so thats why I always evolve at about 94/95 to be safe


    Nothing they can do or are they just following a policy that states they don't fix this kind of problems? I would like to know, since they can create Pokémon as rewards, set their IV and level, I guess they can change one Pokémon's level.

  6. Nintendo has made PvP available for everyone who has completed the main quest and understood the mechanics of breeding / EV-training. You can get pretty much any Pokémon you want on the handheld games, with a moderated effort (happened that I farm for 2 or 3 hours to get a male and female Bagon), and it puts almost all PvP players at the same level; hence skill matters more than play-time.


    In PRO, I don't feel that PvP is that important... since many things are yet to be coded. PRO has that MMO dimension that makes it fun. But… I don't get the goal behind it. I play since august and appreciated most of it; again, sharing a Pokémon hobby with people is amazing. But after 1000 hours play-time, I find myself grinding all day-long, usually to get a good Pokémon (All IV > 20); I even spent 3 days catching 250 Magnemite to finally find 4 with h.p. fire and decent IV (15/+). I spent 5 days hunting Dratini and Ralts (found 2 h.a. Dratini in a row but I know people who never found any, even by spending more time). Sometimes, I hunt only for fun, to get some Pokémon from an event, like with clones; 5 days hunting Charmander, and 8 days hunting Xmas [anything]; I stopped after finding a shiny Stantler. But with all this, fun has gone away; and I regret most of the time I spend hunting. I will certainly play from a time to another, say hi to friend and have some fun doing all the trainers, gyms and bosses again, but never as much as before.


    They tell us that breeding would kill the MMO-dimension, people would stop trading, economy would collapse… Raising the spawn rate of some Pokémon would have the same effect, raising the Xmas-sprite probability would have the same effect (even if that rate seems to be arbitrary)… But look at Game Freaks games... you will see people trade Pokémon on Festival Plaza (if you play Sun / Moon), and even with that feature, many people breed for themselves, hunt for themselves, people seem to share more, and that doesn't kill the games, at all. And this has been the case ever since Nintendo made the online trading available. PRO would be even more healthy since we can't generate perfect Pokémon by cheating!


    But still, you will say economy would collapse and PRO would die. I'm just amazed how many MMO and economy expert we have around.


    Whatever, I wish good luck to all those who have some bravery left and continue to search for an Xmas Pokémon.

  7. Sincerely tired of the topics about this.


    The 8 times Shiny rate has been set by Shane or someone else, be it arbitrary or not, that doesn't matter any more: I think that I can talk in behalf of the majority if I say that we do not like it.


    I understand the MMO-part. What I don't understand and am not convinced of is the source of that rate. I'm a bit curious about it, to be honest. Would 1/512 ruin the economy? Would 1/2048 ruin the fun? Looks like that magic number balances everything, or at least, it's what most of people who answer topics like this one believe.


    Now, we can't change it because it wouldn't be fair to those who farmed at early days. I personally don't care any more; I don't play PRO for any event, I play it because I like Pokémon and experiencing that hobby with a community is just great.


    If I happen to find and Xmas Pokémon, I would not trade it. And I'm not interested in buying one; not OT wouldn't mean a bit.


    By the way, people might like to know that you've got a probability of 63% to "own" at least one Xmas Eevee if you "have caught" 1024 of them. If you find 2 Eevee per hour, you can catch 1024 Eevee in 21 days if you are a full-time PRO worker or bot.


    Keep up the magic rate myth :Smile:

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