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  1. Re: RUKittenMe (Yellow Server) (temporarily closed-expanding) <r>Hi, newish to the game. Currenly working my way through the Kanto but having a blast and looking for a good community of people to play the game with and chat with about the game. If you would be interested in having me I am <B><s></s><U><s></s>ALvl4Ninja<e></e></U><e></e></B> in game.</r>
  2. Im not sure what the staff can do for you about this. However do not worry by the time you have made it to Saffron city in Kanto there is a Move Tutor who will allow you to relearn moves on Pokemon. So your flamethrower isnt lost forever but you just may not have it for a little while.
  3. I recently started in the game a few days ago and am looking for a guild to join up with who maybe uses Discord or TeamSpeak to communicate and possibly even has their own website and such. Looking for a tight knit group of people to talk strategy and game play with as well as help and be supportive to its members. You can PM me here on the forums or message me in game @ Alvl4ninja. I'm 26 Live in the US I play a few hours just about every day so far since starting and plan to keep on doing so Also have hopes to get the gf to pick this game up as well :)
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