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  1. Your discord tag: I don't have one. If it's important, I suppose I could sign up for discord. Are you an active player?: I used to be. I took a year long break. At the moment I'm just getting back into the swing of things What is your goal in PRO?: I have no special reason. I just like to play the game Are you of the age 16 years or up?: Yes, and not getting any younger Do you meet the requirements to join this guild?: Discord not withstanding, yes. Why do you feel you will be a good addition for this guild? "Pristine Serene's main focus is to offer a safe area of stress-free game play in and out of PRO and our Discord server! We focus on having, as well as welcoming, players with fantastic attitudes who's main goal is to help one another, as well as helping other players while playing the game! We immediately run to help people to our best ability, and caliber, possible, weather it's back-tracking to help out with a simple trade evolution, or doing some forum research to find the answer for someones much needed question!" If anyone here was on the blue server around a year ago, you might recognize me from the help chat. Most of what I did was help people. Not quite as much right now since I'm figuring out a lot of things that have changed, and getting Hoenn and Shinnoh out of the way. Have you thoroughly read the first post?: Yes What server did you make your first account on?: Blue
  2. What are the chances of NPC trades being reset after a week or so? People only get one chance at them, and how good or bad they are falls to the mercy of RNG. Surely having a reset on them would only be beneficial to the community?
  3. Go through diglet cave.
  4. Mathilde


    is it possible to be refunded 2.5k for the blue server going down while I was in the safari? It's not the first time it's happened today..
  5. Oh, I also use the blue server.
  6. I've been playing alone so far, but would like some friends. I'm up to celedon city and have 3 badges My team so far is: Snubbull - 39 Squirtle - 41 Doduo - 37 Mankey - 37 My account is Mathilde in the game, feel free to add. preferably other people who are new, but I'll take whatever I can get :Nervous:
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