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Everything posted by Cleric

  1. So our guild is about full, I have five slots left and three of them are reserved. If you guys could poke me while I'm in game, I'll add the next two that talk to me, I will alert this forum page once we start to recruit again! Thank you all for the vested interested in team rocket!~
  2. Just did another string of inviting everyone on this forum string. We are almost full up! Recruiting will continue until full!
  3. Just did another string of inviting everyone on this forum string. We are almost full up! Recruiting will continue until full!
  4. Re: Tranquility {Yellow Server}[Recruiting!] <t>Is it true that Amca passed guild leadership and left today? Asking because I was told by a supposed ex tranq member. Thank you!</t>
  5. I just did a string of invites to everyone on this forum and it would seem most of you are offline atm! Send me a mesaage @cleric In game when you are on for your invites!
  6. Thank you Tatsumichan, I hope we can meet someday! In battle or just to say hello~
  7. Most peple are welcome to join! So long as you're 18 and older and have a sterling uplifting attitude! As for uniforms, it's my intention to help as much as I can to provide them for my members!
  8. Greetings! Do you seek a guild with -free- events, where you feel like you're part of something? Weekly battle events, uniforms, BLASTING OFF?! Join team rocket! Soon to be formed *once my silly hours hit 100* The guild is planned to include more than just a chat bar. And no, you will not be required to -give- anything to the guild aside from your time and great attitude. Some details: Mature guild: It's a mature guild, be mature. Events: Specialized casual battle tourney's city raiding, general mischief and rocketry. It's not just a chat tab, it's a social gathering! Team Rocket: We're team rocket... We're awesome. What more do you want. Cake: yes, we have cake. And Destruction cake for those that prefer it. Uniforms: This one is a bit iffy, but depending on turn out and interest, we'll be looking at equipping true rocketeers with Rocket-ly uniforms. The guild's premise is to be what ya want to be. Freedom from constraint, be a bad guy, use a dark/poison team and chase after people at Pallet town. Go bake evil cookies of doom, while you hurl pokeballs of rooftops. Enjoy the satire of the guild's premise but also enjoy yourself in a mature, friendly and -helpful- environment. I also plan on running battle events, for example. Bring a set of baby pokemon around level fifty, winner of the weekend tourny *number of wins* gets a big nugget or something to that effect. And of course rolling around en masse and in uniform to start street battle extravaganza's with the denizens of our poke'-world. If you are interested in the beautifully organized Chaos of Team rocket, then... Prepare for trouble, make it double! *Pm Cleric in game for details, guild to be up soon *Twenty or so hours in game from time of post.*
  9. Re: Free Latias & Latios mount contest (kanto) <t>Socl plz</t>
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