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  1. My nickname Shapirix, i played on red probably or blue i dont remember but my account is empty now, i have 1 champ on gold but i had many pokemons and pp + pokedolars so :( give me back my acc! i dont play 1 month thats why i dont knew about scale servers
  2. Bug teleported me on mountain without chance to back ( i mean normal) just relog and its ok but i wanna tell about this bug
  3. Hi! i want ask abount mamosswine, i lost many time to find and training my swinsub 99 to piloswine, go to old movies, learn ancient power and go to 100lvl but i cant evolution it why? T_T admin's can back this 1lvl ? and tell me what i did bad, i know for someone is stupid and funny because trainning all time pokemon but its to me really hard and i lose many time to it.
  4. Hello, like in topic, where can i find iron island:? how go to iron island:? and i search in forum but cant find all membership location, can someone link it? thank you guys!
  5. its all alright! sorry for waste your time
  6. now its 2 hour left and cant continue T_T
  7. i was in fight with rocet grunt in mr.silver... she had last pokemon and server down... can someone reset it...?
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