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Posts posted by Decepter

  1. Re: Wings Of Destiny & Wings Of Fate [RECRUITING] Blue Server!


    <r>Hey wanting to join, most information is displayed [url=<URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=102&t=44567"><LINK_TEXT text="viewtopic.php?f=102&t=44567">https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=102&t=44567</LINK_TEXT></URL>]here<br/>


    If there is anything more you need to know tell me</r>

  2. Hi everybody !


    I am looking for a guild on blue server. I have 80+hours played, IGN:Decepter, defeated the Kanto top4 and before going to Johto I wanted to work on my quest for Love Island.


    A little about myself: I am 27 years old and student. Since I started playing 10 days ago I have been very active. I played the first 3 Generation back in the day on the GB/GBA. I live in germany but my english is fairly well so there should be no communication problems except maybe pkmn names since I know the german names by heart but still need to learn some of the english ones. The other pc games I play are Magic Duels because I play the TCC in real life and League of Legends most of the time. I dont play much more pc games since I still prefer console so thats why I own a PS4. Activity might go down for me when new games like the new FF15 come out but for the most part I will return to PRO.


    What I am looking for: Since I have limited knowledge about the game for now I wanted to join a guild that can answer me some of the questions that may arise for the story which is my main focus for now. I want to finish the story and quest first before I try myself in pvp but this has for now second priority. The game is tailored for child audiences but with my age I am looking for a guild that have mostly people with average age from 18-99. I am able to join Teamspeak servers or Skype conversation if needs be.


    Please pm me if you are intrested !

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