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Skogsharald's Achievements



  1. Re: CHRONOS Recruiting 17+! (International Guild - Red Server) <r><QUOTE author="daenerys"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hi my name is Christer Monsen from Bergen Norway(34years old). My nickname is Skogsharald (all badges, 516hours). Got more then 6 lvl 100's.<br/> I allready talk alot with 1 person from this guild(Diogoyeti), we get along pretty well I think :). My goal is to capture them all and to help my friends and guildmates<br/> reach their goals aswell, I'm currently not in a guild and would like to join your family. I don't have a particular favourite poke but I guess Litleo speaks to me abit more then the rest of them :p. I'll follow all rules and should have np joining on discord.</r>
  2. Just saw a Noibat flee at feral site at night..
  3. Game stopped working(as it does almost half of the times u hunt for a long time and try to go to items) when I found a wild Trapinch after 5+hours of search.. Any ideas how to prevent this.. Don't wanna spend an entire day just for this to happen :(
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