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About Farrellykw

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  1. Sorry, #2 was offered 150k. If you won't offer higher, I'm selling it now. Interested? allright, not on my price range. but i will still lurk here if you dont mind :)
  2. 50k pineco #2
  3. ok i already try the task manager, and still cant login so am i "dead locked" ? so i have to wait until the server offline ?
  4. PRO Username: Farrellykw Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? i was looking at my pc, and deleting some pokemon What have you already tried to solve the problem? i was restarting my pc, and check once more if i can login Description and Message i dont share my account to anyone i enter username and password to login but i cant login, the notice is "user already login" hope the problem could be solved as soon as possible
  5. offer here once i think the price is fit i will contact you as soon as possible c/o 150k sold
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