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Everything posted by Omycrome

  1. I experienced the same with my butterfree thanks for checking it
  2. There were several people who asked alot about an insta price and if I had a rough idea how much it will be But most of them were offering other shinies (with values way over the top in their opinion) and some useless high IV pokes Then I set 6.5m as Insta (kinda forced) and the only person making offers, showing pokes I might consider worth alot was Braj No one else did ask about offers and discussed about the Insta as much as he did. I´m not sure what your angry about? Sry that it went so fast for all that had no time this weekend, thats why I didn´t want an Insta price at first
  3. [dropshadow=blue][glow=red]SOLD[/glow][/dropshadow] After setting an Insta price I agreed to an offer of 6.5m value from Braj congrats 04.02.18, 20:30
  4. sure was just in a hurry ^^ Friday Night! I will update here my Discord contact etc.
  5. Hi there. I wanted to sell my goldpiece on the Yellow server. Updated Conditions: 1) Only $$ bids we can discuss later if you can pay with cc (1cc = around 400k) 2) I will update a deadline set at friday next week (european time UTC+1:00) 3) I take the right to refuse offers and if the price is far below my expectation If the description is not sufficent pls let me know Ingame name: omycrome Discord name: "-filler-" As there were alot of Questions about an INSTA price Insta was set to 6.5m after longer discussions
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