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Beast Trainer (5/12)



  1. Just to clarify, megas don't currently work at all, although the megas themselves are in the game it's trying to implement the mega evolution process that's the issue. The megas bosses and staff may have are permanent megas, for example there isnt a charizard that mega evolves and then changes back after, it's always mega charizard y.
  2. I agree with PurpleMauth here, your description is basically the trade sections on the forum [glow=red]Red[/glow] [glow=blue]Blue[/glow] [glow=yellow]Yellow[/glow] The point system would come under the community point system suggested before which wouldn't be implemented due to how easy that kind of thing is to abuse.
  3. The issue with a bank system would be that the punishment of losing money for blacking out would become pointless so no one would be that bothered by losing when they know hardly any money will be lost because it's all safe in the bank. We want to encourage trainers to look after their pokes and train them, a bank might lead to poke neglect XD
  4. Have you tried any of the potential fixes listed in the READ THIS BEFORE MAKING GENERAL SUPPORT TOPIC! thread? Most issues are solved by trying those
  5. Re: Streaming for charity <r><URL url=" </s><B><s></s>Snokone86 is currently doing his 24 hour stream for charity<e></e></B><e></e></URL>, he started at midnight CST so at time of posting this still has 22 hours, 20 mins left. <br/> <br/> Gross jellybean every $5 donated <E>:devil:</E> ; giveaway every $50...... come have fun!! cant make it but wanna donate, go <URL url="https://tiltify.com/events/play-live-4-da-kidz"><s></s>here (The charity's site)<e></e></URL><br/> There's also other incentives on the charity page, including getting him to try and paint whatever you want <br/> <br/> Any support is appreciated, talking in chat will at least help him stay awake as it goes on XD<br/> <br/> <B><s></s>About St. Jude Children's Research Hospital<e></e></B><br/> -St. Jude Children's Research Hospital is leading the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.<br/> -Your support helps ensure that families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food -- because all a family should worry about is helping their child live.<br/> -St. Jude has helped push the childhood cancer survival rate from less than 20% when we opened to 80% today. We won't stop until no child dies from cancer.</r>
  6. Increasing the limits could have a detrimental effect, the bigger the well known guilds are, the less guilds there would be overall and less competitiveness between guilds since you would either be in one of the few big ones or don't bother trying Guilds are groups of like minded trainers, be it social groups for making friends or competitive for PVP, pick the trainers best suited for your guild type, not all inclusive of every trainer regardless of aim lol If it's a guild aiming to be top of ladder, you want good active PVP players and if someone isn't meeting the requirements of the guild then remove them and replace with someone who will With smaller guild sizes you can make sister guilds (which I know a few have done) but they would still compete against each other for ladder which stops it all from getting stale
  7. Re: [Closed]Ev Training/Daycare services - Giovanna <r><QUOTE author="Giovanna" post_id="333547" time="1483968490" user_id="184812"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> <GLOW glow="gray"><s>[glow=gray]</s>Unlocked as requested<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW></r>
  8. Raise it's happiness t max, then level up in Petalburg woods for it to evolve into Leafeon
  9. Nope, if you wish to start again you can play in a different server or a new account, but they don't get wiped or reset
  10. Will lock this as there's no more we can currently do
  11. Glad you sorted it out
  12. Do you have the full screen option turned on in the game settings ? since that could cause you issues There's nothing on accounts that can limit someone using alt+tab and It's not something I've heard often, if it was a client issue everyone would be unable to alt+tab
  13. Quoted for visibility For now we can't assist any further so I''ll lock this
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