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  1. wts auction ends 3 days dec 16th at noon central us time starting bid 200k insta 8m accept consumables poke (put the price beside that you want the poke 2 go for)and money takes priority i can refuse a offer
  2. 100k when auction end?
  3. Can someone send me a invite
  4. all are 12k have 2 more squirtles ivs 117 & 123 also available couldnt upload pic... also selling items rare candy, dawn stone, black glasses, kings rock, dusk stone, shinny stone, moon stone, hard stone, heat rock, leftovers, razor fang
  5. all are on 24hr bid starting at 30k bulb 1 iv 147 bulb 2 iv 136 squirt 1 iv 151 squirt 2 iv 135 also selling items rare candy, dawn stone, black glasses, kings rock, dusk stone, shinny stone, moon stone, hard stone, heat rock, leftovers, razor fang
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