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  1. Will be fully ev trained and lv 100 soon Starting bid 150k. 24 hour Insta 950k
  2. Re: Hoenn Marill epic 29atk 30 hp ada hugepower <t>One friendly bump</t>
  3. Re: Selling Epic Talonflame <t>Bump Reloaded shop.</t>
  4. boo i thought it was a 2 day auction... congratz tho
  5. Re: Selling eevee(sold), chatot, tranquil <t>Bump, added new pokemon to the shop</t>
  6. c/o 250k by Samuel (although after recent DC I can't locate him) current valid offer at250k by Doriel at 12:17 (Sold to Doriel) Doriel Msg me in game I finished auction early, i just need to finish hoenn which wont take long. Edit auction ends 16 hours from last offer
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