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  1. i want buy the sableye :Heart: pm here or in game?? I offer 1m5
  2. HI everyone I want to sell this Post offer here or pm me forum/ign Pigbb Bid start : 1M Current offer: 10M Thank you every one and good luck :) --- because that price is going so high and increased quickly, if there's no one higher then 10M, 8 september 2016 masupilami will win the bid and can find me in game by Pigbb --- Congratulation masupilami ! Please find me in game~ let's trade :Heart:
  3. Levitate Timid ATK 15 DEF 22 SPD 31 SPATK 29 SPDEF 31 HP 04 rare and good now training LV & EV find me (id:Pigbb) or leave you price here ,I wii cheak
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