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About Tbxlee

  • Birthday 04/06/1997

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  1. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <t>IGN:tbxlee<br/> Discord:active<br/> from:England<br/> pro goal:to become a great pvp player and to complete the the regions<br/> reason:want to join a community to have someone to play the game with and discuss the game<br/> platime :84 hours<br/> please add me on the game instead of forum will check forum tommorow :)</t>
  2. Re: Black Market (15+ Epics) <t>i will buy the charizard message me</t>
  3. Re: Black Market (15+ Epics) <t>i will buy the charizard message me</t>
  4. cool im online now pm when you get on
  5. i will buy the lucario
  6. i want to buy charizard and tyranitar with good ivs none of there ivs below 10 and all high add me ingame tbxlee if you have these pokemon i want
  7. if you have certain hair it can come though e.g the hat doesnt cover all the hair. the hat (100k red hat ) its very annoying and it wont let you change your hair its just a glitch what really bugs me and i would like a refund on the hat or it fixed please
  8. hi anyone wanna trade shiny nidokings mine has low iv and i wanna trade it for a better nidoking will pay money and you can have my nidoking for it
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