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Luiiic's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. IGN : Luiiic Answer 1 : Azelf Answer 2 :The Triforce of Power from Zelda
  2. Near abandoned staryu - left of the lighthouse
  3. :Grin:
  4. Re: Please dont put coins to change ivs <t>So you're telling me that I wasted 1600 hrs to farm epic pokemon when some rich fat kids could use their parent's credit card to get it within a few minutes? Well CY@ greedy dev.<br/> <br/> If you fixed the spawn rates there wouldn't be the need to add IV rerolling pay 2 win :p00p:</t>
  5. You need 210 evolutions for Jirachi
  6. Re: Time spent in hoenn - Professor Birth <t>The counter is right if it starts when I started hoenn storyline.<br/> <br/> It was quite confusing, I thought it was the amount of time spent in hoenn ONLY.<br/> <br/> You may close this thread.</t>
  7. Im pretty sure this is a bug cuz i spent most of my 851 hrs in Kanto and Johto and there's no way I spent that much amount grinding in Hoenn. 62 hrs (851-789) seems like the right amount of time spent in Hoenn.
  8. Well halloween was a let down.
  9. Make sure its happiness is 255 (/happy #), then fight a wild pokemon with chansey. The evolve menu should pop up. I made the same mistake while lvling up my chansey :Bored:
  10. I don't think mods will do anything about it unless you give screenshots as a proof you had them before the server crashed.
  11. Yes yes yes yes! Im about to quit this game cuz i cant find a decent drilbur to complete my pvp team. ive been farming for years....
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