Re: Wings Of Destiny & Wings Of Fate [RECRUITING] Blue Server!
<t>Hai Allira! Its ragequitter here <3 would love to join wings of destiny! <br/>
1. What is your IGN? ragequitter<br/>
2. Why do you want to join? I love being apart of a community in games.<br/>
3. What is your favourite Pokemon? I dont really have a favorite, I am a big fan of ghost, electric, and dragon types though :)<br/>
If i did pick a favorite it would have to be Haunter /Gengar because he is a goofy prankster.<br/>
4. Do you use Discord? Yes but prefer skype :)<br/>
5. Do you meet all of our requirements? I have all 8 badges on kanto region about to beat the e4 (At least try to) <br/>
6. If your application is successful what Pokémon do you want next to your username on our members list? Gengar? :D</t>