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Everything posted by Egron6

  1. Egron6


    it said proshine bot but i never did it. Maybe my co workers with other accounts. we use same ip :/ everytime antiban happen i answer correctly and when i m online no gm wrote me :/ i got pvp battles and trades so i got and sent messages but no gms :/
  2. i got banned too and same reason but i never did it too. everytime antiban happen i answer correctly and when i m online no gm wrote me :/ i got pvp battles and trades so i got and sent messages but no gms :/
  3. Egron6


    İ m the only guy who write about ban issue undet the discipline whatever topic and i got no answer :Frown:
  4. Re: 31 SPATK Modest Bulbasaur <t>20k...</t>
  5. thank you all!!!
  6. How can i get a membership? i can't find any information about that :/
  7. Hi, i am new here and i totally don't understand where should i go after johto. is there any guide that tells me where should i go after johto region? Thx
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