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About Yamatta

  • Birthday 04/19/1995

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  1. Hi what time you will online I cannnot send you message Now if you can
  2. It's over ! I sent a message to the winners
  3. You have the bo ! End of the auction : in 7h
  4. You have the bo sir Auction will end tomorrow
  5. You have the BO and you too ! Sorry but i'm studying and can't answer quickly ! The auction will end tomorrow or tuesday !
  6. Weavile : Start 150k Bo : 220k Haxorus : Start 300k Bo : 650k
  7. Hi, Lance beat me in Dragon's Den, but i can fight him again and again, without cooldown. Am i the only one ? I think that's a bug, boss should have 2 weeks cooldown, right ? I'm on windows 32bit
  8. Dragon's den ! (Behind the last gym in johto) You should have a super rod for that (75k in Olivine City)
  9. Yep ! I sent you a mp (with my girlfriend account, fail xD) Mp on this account ! :) Sorry Sherlock, it's over ! :D: okay thx , ill add you later .. im still in queue Ok no prob, see you Ig !
  10. Best offer, 5 hours left ! so i won? :kiss: Yep ! I sent you a mp (with my girlfriend account, fail xD) Mp on this account ! :) Sorry Sherlock, it's over ! :D:
  11. I want to sell this staryu, make offer here, in pm or ingame (same name)
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