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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. well than tell me the guildnumber
  2. Garchomp Sand Veil/Jolly Guildnumber: 11,5 = S.O. 350K / Insta 600K u mean this one ? start auction or insta ?
  3. one more conkeldurr guts added guildnumber: 15,9
  4. some pokes sold ingame, bump
  5. added one more Gyarados, Excadrill and Garchomp !
  6. Huge Update: Chandelure, Bellosom, 4x Clefables, Tangrowth, Gyarados, Cloyster, Scolipede, Venusaur, Shiftry, Klefki and one Guts Conkeldurr added !
  7. 12 hours left for crawdaunt and aromatisse (started pm i thought am sry for that ) UPDATE: 31ATK Scizor, good Exca, Electivire one more tyranitar ! some of them are set cheap u guys better strike !
  8. Crawdaunt Adaptability/Adamant Guildnumber: 12,2 = S.O. 300K Aromatisse Healer/Calm Guildnumber: 13,0 S.O. 250K both 6 Hours left
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