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Luka1886's Achievements



  1. PRO Username: luka1886 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: no On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? Looking for solutions. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Already tried several times! Description and Message Well, I'm willing to take the celebi, but this occurs some errors that do not understand how to proceed. - I already have over 444 hours of gameplay - I have captured the mew - I have all the common Pokemon Johto and the legendary dogs registered in dex - I have over 121 developments made - Already I got the ball g.s, including'm the fossil claw in inventory My problem is that i cant get gs ball from scientist to continue my quest I was following this tutorial for the forum:
  2. △What is your nickname in PRO? Luka1886 △Why do you want to join this guild? looking for fun in game,hate to play alone △How old are you? Where do you come from? 23y old,croatia △How many hours of gameplay do you have? How many badges do you have? 200h,24 badges △What type of player are you? playing with joy but willing to play pvp △What's your favorite pokemon?golem
  3. Name:Luka1886 Playtime hours: around 200 ,cant see maintenance on server Total badges:24 Country:croatia Why do you want to join us:looking for fun on game,hate to play alone What is your favorite Pokemon:golem Your own ambition in PRO: to star pvp matches Why do you still play PRO: only game my PC can start up :P
  4. 1. What's your Player name? Luka1886 2. Number of hours played? around 200,cant see now its maintenance on server :D 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Golem, i love him since i was kid,i had a toy of golem. 4. How old are you? 23y 5. When's your Birthday? (Optional) 17.7.1994
  5. Re: G's Shop [NEW SHOP WITH NICE POKES] <t>jolteon 150k</t>
  6. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [scatterbug, Vivilion !!] ✰ <r><QUOTE author="leekhoasoooo"><s> </e></QUOTE> finded piloswine in mt silver</r>
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