I would list them in the introduction but I have no idea how to edit forum posts! There's no clear button to press ;-; But yes, it's Misdreavus, Litwick, Spiritbomb, and Duskull. I have no idea what items they hold, sorry. I don't go down there much, I just wrote the guide to clear out some confusion :p
LOL! This is so cute, I laughed. Also LOL to "some silly sausages task."
Sadly, I don't think DEVS will implement this and not because it's a bad idea but because they already had other things in mind. :Light:
I think the problem is that you paid for coins which are for things like mounts and clothing, not the membership. To pay for the membership, you have to go to https://pokemonrevolution.net/ click on "account", log in, and scroll to where it says "Membership" and click "Donate $5 to PRO" and pay from there.
Buying coins is not the same thing as getting the membership. I hope this helps! :)
Thanks for the compliment!
Here's a Mismagius Hat, let me know if i should also make a dress to go along with it!
I'd wear this and the dress! I love Mismagius <3