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About Nukdragon9

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  1. WTS start 15m. insta soon minimum raise the bid by 1m Auction end soon. Ty.
  2. Re: 1st shiny cubchoo in yellow server <t>3m sir</t>
  3. Re: wts epic h.a Fennekin <t>I buy insta</t>
  4. Re: wts epic h.a Fennekin <t>1m sir</t>
  5. Re: Wts 164ivs h.a.abra 139ivs Machop no guard/adamant <t>200k abra</t>
  6. I think deal is end with my deal.I see in countdown it end.
  7. start 500k insta 1m start 500k insta 800k start 1m insta 1.5m Aunction end 3 days when have bid ty ^^
  8. Hi why u say that.U say bid end with my offer.Why u plus time?
  9. i reject my offer sorry
  10. start 700k. insta 1.2m end 3 days
  11. start 2m insta soon auction end soon
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