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Everything posted by Ballzofsteel

  1. oh well that's too bad.. nvm about the celebi quest, it seems i am lacking a few requirements
  2. I have same problem with luka. I have: - 650+ hours gameplay - captured mew - have caught data of all johto pokemons beside legendaries - dex data on entei, raikou, suicune, lugia and ho-oh for me i can't take the legendary dogs stone reward, the npc keeps saying that i don't have enough game time
  3. Thanks for the advice! The thing is, this unbalanced matchmaking may be exploited. Lets say i have 2 devices with PRO on them, and I logged in with 2 id, and look for pvp match at the same time. I can battle with my other id as much as i want, no?
  4. Well, I fought him twice, and win once xD
  5. So i just started playing PRO again, and do some pvp As you can see, i got 0 win and 0 lose, meaning this is my first fight in this season. Even though it was my first battle in this season, i fought someone with 451 pvp rating, which is rather unbalanced for new players Unless the number on the bottom right side doesnt mean rating, i dont think its a problem Thanks before!
  6. closed cause no one bid :c
  7. I have calculated with pokemon calculator, and no, even the fastest kingdra cannot outspeed my ninetales without the rain
  8. So I was fighting a rain team, which i have a swift swim kingdra on their team here is the chronology : 1. Enemy used drizzle politoad, then switched his pokemon to kingdra 2. I switched my pokemon to drought ninetales, which stopped the rain 3. Kingdra still outspeed my ninetales, even though it shouldn't happened Can someone check this bug? Sorry for no screenshots/videos available!
  9. BO starts from 250k no insta price Offer will end 24h after 1st offer Good Luck :kiss:
  10. well i know that feel mate server crash when i was just 1 click away to finish Naero NPC too bad nothing i can do about it
  11. could you provide us with screenshot? it would help a lot
  12. Re: Wedding in Pro ! <r>Everyone have to come to this wedding<br/> <br/> If someone says he wont come to this wedding<br/> then i'll turn into wrecking ballz and rekt him <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  13. well, most of the players is a new players when they start playing PRO, and all of them get through 1st and 2nd gym and the harder the game is, the more challenging and fun the game, is it not?
  14. Name : BallzOfSteel Pokemon and level : Pineco, 80 Level or/& EV train services : Level Objectives : lv 100 Evolve : Yes Saved move : - Pm me when you are ingame! EDIT : nvm, i got my pineco evolved and level it to lv 100 :Grin:
  15. you can catch it in safari MS exclusive, using surf only
  16. i dont think beat up is bugged beat up damage depends on your team's member atk
  17. please give us an announcement officially when will the event start, so we can make some preparations
  18. Well, I often see these "liars" at trade channel then I've seen pokemons with only 20 on both main stats, and under 20 on other stats, and the person called this pokemon epic
  19. So I when i look at trade channel, I always see someone selling their epic pokemons people selling epic this, epic that, but when i check the pokemons, turns out it isn't very good so what do you guys think? what are the conditions for a pokemon, to be considered epic? :Grin:
  20. hax detected
  21. Justified is working
  22. There is a HM Fly guide on this forum : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=6146 and if you follow the guide, you will find that you only need 50k to do the quest, and the guide said that "HM02 Fly CANNOT USE OUTSIDE BATTLE!,that means you cannot fly to another cities directly!"
  23. Re: JustLegend's shop (ONLY EPIC POKES) (Shiny Azumarill in) <t>120k for scizor</t>
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