The Server is unavailable right now. Please do not post topics concerning it's status. The main site will tell you if it is Online or Offline, I will now lock this topic.
Re: Lexburner's Trading Shop
<r><QUOTE author="lexburner"><s> </e></QUOTE>
srry for the posts I didn't realize that I need putting the trading post combine together.<e> </e></QUOTE>
Its okay, we all make mistakes so don't worry :) But do it again and we will hunt you down XD</r>
Membership Pokémon are VERY Rare and hard to come by. Some people hunt for days to find one, not just a few hours. Encountering rares isn't as easy here as it is in the handheld games. Keep at it and eventually you'll find one. Happy Hunting!
Re: Looking for Dratini/Evos & Dex Pokés
<t>I have merged ANOTHER Topic of yours into this one and edited the title/original post.<br/>
Stick to one thread in the trade forums.</t>
During the next week the servers will be down a lot more than usual. Please be patient, its all for a good cause and hopefully they will be running correctly soon enough! On that note, please do not post about Server Issues.
<t>If you would like to sell this then please give clear details and responses to those bidding.<br/>
-If you accept their offers?<br/>
-How long the auction will last upon receiving an acceptable offer.<br/>
If it has already been sold. Please state that so others know.</t>
No stats will be lost if you plan on evolving it to Blastiose at Level 100. The unevolved form can also learn moves that the evolved versions cant and they will learn them faster. :) Welcome to to PRO! :) Please do not post topics asking about the server. IRC Chat, the home page and the link given will each help you find out whether the game is Online, Offline or Timed Out. Thank you.
Glad to hear you've found the issue, I have this happen a lot too! Hopefully you will be online and enjoying the game soon! I will now lock this topic :)