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Posts posted by Valdrigr

  1. Does anyone knows the % of a pokemon spawning with a held item? I heard it's 3%, but I really wanted to know the real value. (I killed more than 50 sandshrews using thief at Mt. Moon, but I got no quick claws). I was trying to use Compound Eyes as well, but apparently it's effect wasn't coded.

  2. Hello, I'm back in/on/at [i'd love a quick guide to learn about this] PRO Blue Server after a few years because now I came with my booooy (Oakleaf), so the start wasn't dark and lonely as it felt last year.

    We know a lot about Pokémon features (IV and EV training, for example) but we're still learning about PRO unique features, like it's amazing quests (and the annoying ones as well).


    About myself:

    -I love music and playing games (everyone should listen to Kimbra, really);

    -I really like Math;

    -Magic attack and debuffs are always better than pure Physical attacks;

    -Listing stuff is easy and fun.


    About our progress:

    -Kanto and Johto have been cleared already and our playtime is around 80 hours;

    -My best pokémon is a level 100 Gengar, his' a level 100 Gardevoir, but we still need Synchronize to farm the best natures;

    -We still don't have a guild and we REALLY want to enter one (looks like being Hoenn champion is a requirement for most of them, so we're almost reaching it).


    Reasons for wanting a guild:

    -Getting to know people (from all around the world) and making new friends;

    -In-game rewards, like increased experience and guild events;

    -Training english (which is always a good thing);

    -Helping those in need whenever possible and being able to ask for help when needed (since we still have a lot to learn).


    That's it, I think...

    Thanks for reading and I hope you have a nice day!

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  3. My PRO was totally fine, but exactly now (a few minutes ago I was playing normally) it isn't even opening properly, so I went to download a new copy of the .zip, but there is a Trojan in it

  4. What is your Discord tag?



    How often do you use Discord?

    Pretty much every single day, but I just found out about PRO's Server, to be honest.


    If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be?

    Still getting used to the server, but maybe a way to detect when the game server goes offline, or even a suggestion channel for further use.

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