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Everything posted by Swagonmyhead

  1. Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER} <t>not sure if I'm allowed to join this guild because I only have 147 hours played ):<br/> 1. "SwagOnMyHead" that's my ign<br/> 2. You should accept me because I've been a die hard Naruto and Pokemon fan since I was kid.<br/> 3. Of course I pledge my loyalty on the guild!<br/> I've completed all of Hoenn as well.<br/> I should mention that I've watched all of the Naruto/Naruto shippuden series even if it was painful at times to watch all the fillers.</t>
  2. Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER} <t>Naruto and pokemon all in one? Paint me interested.</t>
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