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Posts posted by Mid

  1. Auction Rules:

    • It has a duration of 24 hours, and starts as soon as the first bid is made.
    • Once a bid is made, you cannot by any chance back out. Doing so will result in a report to the appropiate authorities.
    • Only cash will be accepted. I do not accept items, pokemon or Coin Capsules.


    Starting Offer: 250k

    - Current Offer: 250k by Ghabra

    - - Auction Winner: 400k by Sgarac

    Minimum Rise: 30k


    Insta: 1.5m


    Good luck if you wish to participate!

  2. I agree with this, this is a change that should've been asked beforehand before implemention as it difficults the process of hunting a pokemon. It gave the thrash mons i have in my PC a purpose, now they don't have one and im obligated to hunt for another copy of a sync i already have with the right level to just repel trick, which means i'll waste more resources that i should be using in repel tricking. Not a great change and i hope it can be reverted back with all due respect.



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    Smartest: Idkup

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    • Like 2
  4. UPDATE:

    We've updated some of our services with the following changes:

    - Level ups during EV Training are now added to the final cost/price.

    - Level up price table for evolution has been divided into 2 parts, 1st stage and 2nd stage.


    Thanks for your comprehention!

  5. I want to lvlup my happiny form 36 to 95, along with ev training, 252 def, 252 hp and 6 spdef. Please mark your price. for total.

    Hey there, sorry for the late reply!


    According to our price tables, it would be $30,000 & $41,400 for a total of $71,400! However we have other requests at the moment in our Discord, if you wish to hire our service then join and leave your request!

  6. Title.png.7f5a16220ca73be17d95ec6c65d3ab54.png

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Welcome to Chiwii's Daycare!

    A newly inaugurated Daycare destined to EV and Level up services at the most economical prices!

    Founded by Kiwii and Char




    Training: Prices


    EV Service $ 30.000 PokeDollars

    -Fully trains a Pokémon's EVs.

    -You must provide an EV spread of choice.


    Level Service:

    Basic Stages:

    -Level up to 1~30 $ 250 per level

    -Level up to 31~85 $ 500 per level

    -Level up to 86~95. $ 1000 per level

    1st Stage Evolutions:

    -Level up to 1~30 $ 500 per level

    -Level up to 31~85 $ 1000 per level

    -Level up to 86~95. $ 2000 per level

    2nd Stage Evolutions:

    -Level up to 1~30 $ 700 per level

    -Level up to 31~85 $ 1400 per level

    -Level up to 86~95. $ 2800 per level

    Ferroseed, Togepi, Happiny and Single Stage Pokémon:

    -Level up to 1~30 $ 300 per level

    -Level up to 31~85 $ 600 per level

    -Level up to 86~95. $ 1200 per level


    Team Magma members recieve a 10% discount!!!


    - We accept cash only.

    - Once paid, you cannot cancel the deal and the pokemon will be given back once the service is done.

    - We will use only the provided EV Spread, we won't change the desired EV Spread mid-service.

    - In case a Daycarer can't complete a service due to "X" reason, we will return the Pokémon with a refund equal to the remaining EVs/Levels to complete.

    - Now Level ups will be added to the final price during EV trainings. Example:

    During an EV Training, a Lv. 1 Ralts goes to Lv. 30, we will add an extra $7,250 to the EV Training cost ($37,250 in total).


    In case you're interested in our services, you can join the discord below!

    • Like 6
  7. Greedy? Some play for free players going to pvp go up against people with a rerolled legendary won't have fun at all its Six Samurai Shi En in Duel Links, negate every single spell or trap its going to be pay to win.. greedy? I think not. Many free to play people will agree to this as well.

    F2P here, don't agree. With said logic then i can assume the current reroll system is already pay to win, due to those who have "rerolled legendaries" winning all the PvP coins to buy even more rerolls.

    Legendaries have increased base stats, yeah i understand that but that doesnt mean we don't have the tools to deal with them. Plus right now the meta doesn't seem heavily plagued with them and i highly doubt after this change it will be.

  8. It will just destroy the economy , badly ... People used to reroll their mons for like more than 10 times for finding 20+IVs but f it u guys just messed everything up and selling iv rr from selocean daily was a thing that nubs did to gain some money, now I am pretty sure that either the price of 1 rr will go high af or go low af won't be 600k cause u guys will be making it a confirm thing to get like a confirm epic legendary

    Membership medallions used to be +1m average, so i don't see a problem with the IV reroll going up in price. In fact it would encourage people to PvP more, do more bosses and even do dailies in order to achieve an item worth getting.


    i believe u didnt understand the question here. the ivs reroll will be consumed but will be avaible a option to choose if u want the reroll to be affected or not. so will be a choice to make. this will be teh same only the fact will prevent "colatoral damage" for your legendary if it get worst. but one thing i agree with u if this goes up the legendarys will appear with better ivs , so is betetr to ban every legendary from pvp.

    We have the pokemons to deal with the allowed legendaries. Even with this addition the average IV Rerolls needed to get a good PvPable legendary will stay the same, and in fact, i would say it would become even harder as the price will increase for each IV Reroll. There is no reason to ban every legendary from the meta, and i hope this will lower the usage of pokemons like Rotom-Wash and Conkeldurr.




    I think this is a great addition as Rerolling the IVs of a legendary is often a big gamble, the only way to safely reroll a legendary is if it already has bad IVs. Would hopefully encourage players to venture more into PvP aswell as to use them to make their current legendaries better without the fear of getting worse IVs than the obtained.


    I do not think this is P2W as the risk of getting bad IVs when rerolling is still there and no matter if you choose to mantain the IVS or to adopt the new IVs the ticket is consumed. The chances to get great IVs are the same as always, nothing wrong.

    • Like 1
  9. Hello ladies and gentlemen!! Thank you all for looking at this thread, today i bring you this magnificent exemplary of Bisharp!


    Rules of the auction:

    1. Fake offers/bids will be reported.

    2. The duration of the auction is 2 days, and will end when the time reaches 0 or the insta is met.

    3. I accept CC and Reroll tickets( CC & Nature Rerolls = 250k, IV Rerolls = 500k ).



    Sold to Asyouwish01 for 600k.


    Keep in mind this is an AUCTION.


    The auction starts when the first bid is made, good luck to everybody that wants to participate in this auction.


    EDIT: Forgot to state it on the rules, but the minimum bid increase is 50k. Apologies.

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