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  1. Re: Dialatz's Supermarket (Epic hasty infernape) <t>kaboto + starmie still there ?</t>
  2. Re: EPIC PVP SHOP-TRADE SHOP. <t>price for starmie and galvantula = ?</t>
  3. Re: [New Shop] Black's Boutique! (06/10 a lot pkm 100 and pkm rare epic iv :) <r><QUOTE author="13l4ck"><s> </e></QUOTE> yes, it's available!<e> </e></QUOTE> let me know a price pls</r>
  4. Re: [New Shop] Black's Boutique! (06/10 a lot pkm 100 and pkm rare epic iv :) <t>galvantula still here?</t>
  5. Re: RIGSHOP Update 4/10 <t>how much for togekiss bold</t>
  6. pls add me in game i want it so bad
  7. timid xD
  8. waiting for togekiss :Smile:
  9. 300k for donphan
  10. Sab already sold , togekiss timid 800k , bold 1m2 ok when we can trade ?
  11. how much for togekiss and sableye ?
  12. togekiss 800k
  13. 650k for blissey
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