Re: Chimera [Red Server] ~ Recruiting
<r>Greetings Chimera!<br/>
I have heard this is an active and friendly guild with many events and I would like to join :) I especially love hide and seek... <E>:Cool:</E> <br/>
My ingame nick is Kitaiza, after the main character Kitai in The Codex Alera. za is my area code, South Africa- which is my beautiful country.<br/>
I am the tender age of 27, I am champion of all regions and I have about 600 hrs gameplay.<br/>
I play roughly an hour a day but much more when I have time, less when work is crazy.<br/>
Fun fact: My only OT shiny ever is from joey. <br/>
I play pokemon for all sorts of reasons- firstly red and crystal were my childhood and this is a realisation of what I always wished they could be. <br/>
I only train OTs and my grand objective is to have an OT epic of each pvp pokemon and eventually every pokemon. <br/>
I also train and collect shinies and event pokes, I am filling my shiny pokedex slowly. My new pride are my charmander and squirtle clones, not OT sadly but much loved.<br/>
I am a maths teacher and very into analysing stats and trying different things. I have pvped a bit but more often use my time on dailies like excavations (over 8k discoveries) and daycare quests (tier 5). I want to start pvp but i want to have many many pokemon to choose from first. I have at least 40 pvp ready lvl 100s but I am still training a few mvps.<br/>
I believe this game is an amazing initiative and i donate for ms to support it. I have little use for pokedollars except to buy shinies and ride the train- I will gladly donate good pokes for guild events and average ones to help new guildies start storylines. <br/>
My favourite pokemon are sandshrew/slash, paras/parasect, galvantula(since i got this epic one it's my new fave), goomy/goodra, vileplume and omanyte/omastar. My best dog is Raikou. I love all pokedogs too, I have lucario, manectric, houndoom, stoutland, absol.. all good uns ;)<br/>
Please consider my application, I would be delighted to join your family :) KitaiZa <E>:thanks:</E></r>