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About Drawa04

  • Birthday 10/19/1992

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  1. Re: Jaeco's shop ( UPDATED ) <t>im sorry i cant go more ty anywaye</t>
  2. Re: [ Ongoing auction for Gligar Immunity + impish ] Hyoein`s Poke`Shop!! <r>but if my friendsell me his gligar i well cancel offer <E>:Bored:</E></r>
  3. Re: Jaeco's shop (added Xmas themed Farfetch'd and lotads) <r><QUOTE author="jaeco"><s> </e></QUOTE> auction will end in 48 hours (start from the ur offer)<e> </e></QUOTE> Drawa04 m me when the bid done</r>
  4. Re: Jaeco's shop (added Xmas themed Farfetch'd and lotads) <t>and how much stay for bid ??</t>
  5. Re: Jaeco's shop (added Xmas themed Farfetch'd and lotads) <t>2MS for kabuto</t>
  6. Re: [ Gligar Immunity + impish ] Hyoein`s Poke`Shop!! <t>650k</t>
  7. oki lets start with 300k for each of those tyra rosa and starmie your best client drawa04 xd
  8. xd you can encounter feebas just with luck :/
  9. epic idea :p
  10. yeah that what i suggest today to deathwing i hope they make one he less the spammer in game no need to focus just shot in trade you can add your pokes in auction and go train thats the best suggest i see it for the game plz gm rate that :p
  11. Re: zinne's QualityShop! Added weavile,kingler <t>20k for kingler 30k for wea up<br/> drawa04</t>
  12. oki then 3ms for lucario ^^
  13. tyra and flygon out bid
  14. Looking for offer here. No insta price ms accepted I will start update offer in 2h just say your offer i will back in 2h
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