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1 Follower

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  • Career
    Production Designer
  • Occupation
    Production Designer

Missme's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. :Heart: IGN: missme because i wanna be the very best <3
  2. its now open to all let me know if youll join :) just fill this up. ;) ign: guild:
  3. Re: WTS > Shiny Eevee. <t>can i start bid 10m?</t>
  4. Re: THE MINI AMAZING RACE (Memoire Guild) <r>THANK YOU!!! for all the positive response. <br/> <QUOTE author="Fippsie"><s> </e></QUOTE> This will be held at the yellow server, memoire members. <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  5. OPEN TO ALL WE LOVE TO SHARE THIS EVENT WITH EVERYBODY :Angel: </SIZE> HOPE THAT THIS COULD BE A START OF A NEW TRADITION QUIZZES , CHALLENGES , AND CLUES TO FIND . . . PLEASE RIDE YOUR MOUNTS SO YOU CAN MAKE IT ON TIME <SIZE size="150"> :Light: WE WILL BE ANNOUNCING THE DATE & TIME ONCE THE SERVER IS STABLE WE WILL START THE EVENT ONCE WE REACHED 40 PLAYERS OR MORE :Light:<i></i> RULES MUST BE A CHAMPION IN ALL REGIONS. (COMPLETE TRANSPORT QUEST) MUST BE IN A GUILD (ACTIVE PLAYER) ONLY 1 PLAYER FROM THEIR GUILD WILL WIN (TO PREVENT TELLING MEMBERS THE ANSWER) MUST BE ON TIME. KEEP IT CIVIL AND POLITE, NO SWEARING. HAVE FUN! REWARDS 1ST PRIZE: 1 MEMBERSHIP + 500,000 2ND PRIZE: 1 MEMBERSHIP 3RD PRIZE: 500,000 *NOTE: 50,000 ENTRY FEE MESSAGE ME FOR MORE INFO Reminder: *Use only 4 pokemon’s in your team - 1 pokemon with hm moves like surf & cut - 1 pokemon with false swipe - 2 strong pokemon = you need the last 2 space *wink wink *You will be given 20mins to finish challenge Or else you’ll be out of the game. (but you can still continue the race) NOTE! once they choose challenge they cant change to riddle, they have to wait 10mins. *RULES MAY CHANGE WHILE PLANNING FOR THE EVENT PLAYERS I G N | Guild *nicksupergod | rukittenme
  6. Re: WTS SHINY HITMONTOP <t>2m!!!!</t>
  7. Re: WTS WINTER CLOTHES GRAY <t>still available?</t>
  8. Re: Catch Celebi - The Chrono Traveler [Celebi Quest Part 1+2+3+Final)] <r>Help! i have the stone now, what do i do next? its not in my bag tho. <E>:Ambivalent:</E></r>
  9. :Nervous: pm me your price. XOXO :kiss:
  10. hello :) have fun!!! :Heart:
  11. talonflame sold ingame
  12. 1m co
  13. bid started for larvi :Shy:
  14. 950k
  15. c.o. for talonflame
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