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Everything posted by Manachan

  1. Thank you, Kjwu! I am indeed in the Red Server! :D Hope to see you around! yeah definitely you'll often see me around lol how's the game going, beaten kanto yet? :Smile: Nope! I haven't beaten it yet, have been taking a break due to school, Gymnastics and other stuff. ^^ Getting back in game now though!
  2. Hello everyone! I have been playing for about a week now, and the game is very fun! But I'd like to join a guild/community to chat in and have more fun and what not. I am unsure what kind of guilds are out there, and what focuses there are in this game (I still have to do my Fifth Gym Badge in Kanto, so not that far in yet!) Perhaps if I tell a bit about myself and what I'm looking for, some of you can help me? First off, I'm a mute, I have Aphonia which means I can't physically talk on the count of a lack of Vocal Chords/Box. This happend years ago and I'm... Sort of over it, so no need to feel bad if you are. >.< Secondly, I LOVE RolePlaying, but I'm unsure if there'd be any RP here. ^^;; I also love to just chat, in and out of game, so a social guild would be fun too, although I have a tendency to get nervous/scared/shy when a lot of people talk at once. x.x I hope this is enough info for you all to help me find a guild, or to shout out at me with your guild info, if not, feel free to ask for more info!
  3. Hello Rita! Nice to meet you! Hope you'll have a good time here, and I'm sure you will! :D
  4. Nice to meet you Samueell! Hope you'll enjoy your time here! :D If you need any help, always feel free to ask the people here! Or in game! :Smile: :Heart:
  5. Welcome to the game, Artinuviel! Hope you have fun! :D If you're on the Red Server, that'll be dubble fun as I'm there too! x) Hope you have fun either way, and if you need help, always feel free to ask! :Heart: :Smile:
  6. Welcome to the Game! Hope you'll enjoy your time here! And if you need help feel free to always ask! People here are super nice! :Heart: :Smile:
  7. Thank you, Kjwu! I am indeed in the Red Server! :D Hope to see you around!
  8. Hello, Manachan, and welcome to PRO ^-^ Glad so many girls are introducing themselves here =o I hope you will have a great time here, if you're on Blue maybe I'll even see you in game c: You're from the Netherlands? O3O I go there or to Belgium for the weekend sometimes, and my first holiday was in Holland, loved it x3 If you have any questions, feel free to ask me :3 ~ Hahah, Thank you! And it's fun to see more girls on this game, I guess! ^^ Yep! I currently live in the Netherlands! Belgium is nice too, yes. Lived there for a while aswell. x) Thank you! I'll be sure to ask! And if I can do anything to help, say so! Although I do play on the Red server. ^^;;
  9. Hello, welcome Manachan! If you play in the Red server, we'll see us around. Do not worry, here in the forum you will have all information you need and support for all your questions. Gradually you'll catching everything in the game and getting used to the forum as well. Have a good game! :Smile: Thank you! I do play on the Red Server! I'm currently aiming to get the fifth Gym Badge! ^^
  10. Thank you, mister Tatsumi! :D
  11. Hi! Welcome to the forums! Hope you can post images soon! :Heart: :Angel:
  12. Hello! I'm on the Red Server too! Nice to meet you! :Heart: :Angel:
  13. Welcome to the game! Hope you'll enjoy your stay! :Heart: :Angel:
  14. Thank you @Radium93 and @Digit !! I am indeed having a lot of fun! Inviting friends aswell. ^^
  15. Thank you all! This game is amazingly fun! I've been asking friends to join aswell! :Heart:
  16. Thank you, both of you! @Kagawa and @Mysteries
  17. Hi, welcome to the community! My favorite 7 letter word... Hmm.. First one to come to mind is Embrace, to Embrace your friends, those who love you, and to embrace your family, and of course... Embrace the games you love! <3 ... Cheesy, I know. >.>
  18. Hello to you, miss! Hope you're having fun! :D
  19. Hello, new player! And many gratulations to you! :D
  20. Thank you all! I'm enjoying it so far already and I've only just got my first pokémon! Can't wait to see more of this game and how much it'll grow. I have high hopes/faith for it! :Heart:
  21. Hello all! I'm Manachan, new player in the Pokémon Revolution Online game! I wanted to say Hi to everyone that, well, that cared to read this I guess, and that I hope to see you all, maybe, in game! I'm a new player, so I don't really know much about the game at this time, except for having played a tiny bit before. Either way, not much to say here without seeming or sounding weird, may we all have fun together! :Heart:
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