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Everything posted by Marc9898

  1. Marc9898

    Rare Hunters

    I want to join i am on pro allot i love hunting rare pokemon and i think this clan is cool my skype is thunder00342 my youtube is thunderstrikegaminghd my name is marcandre i am 12 my dream shiny pokemon would beshiny garchomp cause he is cool i am english but mostly french i live in canada. this is my application hope you enjoy this and plz recruit me thx Marc-Andre
  2. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r>Can i join im new to pro my dream team is magikarp <E>:Cool:</E> charizard rayquaza pickachu gengar and garchomp <br/> i like to laugh and play i would like ot be called blaze thunder plz so plz let me join</r>
  3. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r>i want to join i am a new player in pro so i kinda want to join a cool guild i made a post for my guild but im gonna end that and join this one so plz call me Blaze Thunder PLz my dream team is probs Pickachu Moltres Magikarp <E>:Cool:</E> Pidgeoto rayquaza and poliwag<br/> O btw i like to laugh and just have fun My in game name is marc9898 and how much generation is in this game cause im new and i can talk french PLZ LET ME JOIN my skype is thunder00342 and sry for the other one</r>
  4. Marc9898

    SAULNIER Guild

    Hey my name is marc and i am recruiting for my new clan Saulnier i'm gonna be giving prizes to people that do good in my clan like win the most battle or something that i am gonna come up with in the future and where gonna find a pokemon that you will hunt for and the first one that find it will get a prize and depending on the rarity of the pokemon you might get a bigger prize like instead of 10k you might get 25k! so yea here are the rank. [highlight=yellow]Owner:marc9898 Co-Owner: Commander: Minor: Member[/highlight] :thanks: for joining :Grin:
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